Keeping Kids Safe - Toy Box Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Each year, dozens of children are injured by toy boxes. Although a toybox is a great way to get rid of play room clutter, there are numerous dangers you should be aware of. The most frequent accidents occur when poorly designed lids close on children while they are searching for a toy; even more seriously, children can suffocate if they climb or fall inside and become trapped. Following these helpful tips can help you find just the right solution for storage for your home while avoiding serious injury to your precious little ones.

Toy Storage With Bins

Check for safety hinges and lid supports. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that toy boxes be equipped with hinges that are designed to stay in place at any point to which they are opened. In addition, toy chest covers should have lid supports to prevent them from closing on children as they lean over the edge of the bin. Look for toy boxes with cutouts at the sides and front to prevent pinched fingers. Many toybox injuries occur when the lid closes accidentally on little fingers. A toy chest that is designed with cutouts around the top rim will prevent crushing and bruises. Do not purchase a toy chest that latches shut. Occasionally, small children may manage to climb or fall into a toy box. To prevent your child from becoming trapped, make sure there are no latches and that the toy box you choose can be opened easily from the inside. You may want to choose a toy chest that has been manufactured with ventilation holes, to prevent suffocation if your toddler does fall in. Make sure the edges are rounded and smooth. Well-sanded, smooth edges and corners help to prevent bumps and bruises as your child plays. Make sure the surface of the bin is polished and free of splinters or paint chips that can cause painful injuries. Purchase toy boxes made with non-toxic materials. While toyboxes are generally made from non-toxic materials, children's products that are manufactured overseas may sometimes contain lead paint and other dangerous substances. Look for a toy chest that is certified lead-free.

Toy Storage With Bins

Where to find kid-safe toy boxes and storage bins

Keeping Kids Safe - Toy Box Dangers and How to Avoid Them
Toy Storage With Bins

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