Simple Storage Ideas For Kids' Rooms

When it comes to children's bedrooms and playrooms, it's vital to put the "fun" in "functionality." Finding creative solutions to storage needs helps you cut down on clutter in the room while keeping things light and playful. From toys to clothes, here are some unique ideas for storing the many items your child will accumulate as he or she grows up:

Toy Storage With Bins


Toy Storage With Bins

While a trellis is normally reserved for the garden or patio, there's no reason you can't put one to good use in a child's bedroom or playroom. A regular garden trellis supplemented with pegs makes an attractive display for a tweenage girl's hat, purse or handbag collection. Planks of wood can also be suspended horizontally atop the pegs to create a fun and accessible storage space for dolls, stuffed animals, toy trucks or just about anything that will fit.

Cubbyholes and Repurposed Bookshelves

If you want to create storage spaces of various sizes to house your child's toys and books, stacking up some wooden cubbyholes with differing dimensions gives you options and flexibility. You can keep heavier, bulkier toys in the bottom cubbyholes and lighter items up top. Just make sure not to stack them so high your child can't reach his or her favorite things, or you won't get a moment's peace during playtime.

Remember, too, that bookshelves don't have to be just for books. You can place storage baskets and bins on the various shelves to store smaller toys and knickknacks. If you need to make the most of limited space, this type of solution works wonders.

Handcrafted Toy Boxes

Toy boxes are a mainstay of playrooms the world over, but you don't have to settle for the banality of the standard designs stocked by your local home furnishings outlet. If you've gone for a bold design in the room and need a specialized toy box to match the theme, or if you just want to add a personalized flair to your furnishings, a custom-made toy box can make all the difference.

Boutique furniture stores, local artisans and carpenters, and specialty retailers are the best places to find handcrafted items like toy boxes. If you deal directly with a producer, you can even incorporate your own unique ideas into the design. While this is a more expensive option, it will add an unmistakable touch of individuality to your child's favorite room.

Simple Storage Ideas For Kids' Rooms
Toy Storage With Bins

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